Friday, February 13, 2009

Riding the D-Bus with Ruby

The last time I looked at D-Bus is a couple of years ago. What I saw back then was promising in technology but ugly in (C-)programming. D-Bus has come a long way 'til then.

And so have my programming skills with scripting languages, esp. with Ruby. The ruby-dbus project provides a nice and easy-to-use programming API, once one has mastered the lack of examples and the D-Bus nomenclature.

About D-Bus

There is plenty of information available on D-Bus. I personally found the Introduction to D-Bus most valuable from a developers point of view.

D-Bus originates from the initiative and is hosted at

Basically, D-Bus is a RPC (remote procedure call) mechanism, allowing different programs to talk to each other and provide services in a standardized way.

The transport used for talking is called a bus, meaning everyone can ride (connect to) it. Usually there are two independent buses available

  • System bus
    This is for system-wide services, like hardware information (usually provided by HAL)
  • Session bus
    This is for per-login services, like a Gnome Desktop session.
Talking is done in a client/server fashion. The server code connects to the bus offering a service to be used by the clients. In order to find each other, services are names in a dotted syntax. E.g. org.freedesktop.Hal is offered by the HAL daemon providing hardware information.

The nice thing about D-Bus is that it allows introspection. You can ask a service about its capabilities. And the D-Bus itself is a service, so you just need to know about org.freedesktop.DBus to find all other services.

Services provide objects. These are organized in a tree-like fashion and typically addressed using slash-separated paths, just like filenames. Iterating over the objects of org.freedesktop.Hal gives you all devices.

Objects then have members. Members are methods to call, providing the functionality of the service. To make things more complicatedstructured, members are grouped in interfaces. Interfaces are comparable to capabilities of an object. For example the Hal object /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVDRW_LH_20A1S has the org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage.Removable interface with the bool CheckForMedia() method.

Putting it all together gives you this chain
Bus (System/Session)
   -> Service (e.g. org.freedesktop.Hal)
   -> Object (e.g. /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_DVDRW_LH_20A1S)
   -> Interface (e.g. org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Storage.Removable)
   -> Member (e.g. bool CheckForMedia())

There's more to D-Bus, like signals and signatures and activation and ... follow the documentation links given above if you want to learn it all. The explanation up to now should be sufficient to understand the basics of the ruby-dbus interface, however.

Using ruby-dbus

Connecting to the bus in Ruby is as easy as
require 'dbus'

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance
# resp. 'bus = DBus::SessionBus.instance'
DBus::SystemBus is a Singleton, hence the .instance instead of the usual .new for creating the object.

Now you can create a proxy object. Its named 'proxy' because the real object lives on the other side of the connection, in the service. The proxy object is in your application and proxy-ing calls via D-Bus to the service object. You can use this to find all services on the bus

require 'dbus'

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance

bus.proxy.ListNames[0].each do |service|
  puts "Service: #{service}"
Given a known service, D-Bus introspection allows to find its objects, subnodes and interfaces
require 'dbus'

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance

# Create the proxy object
proxy = bus.introspect "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/"

# proxy.bus gives you the bus
# proxy.path is the object path
# proxy.destination is the service name

# Print object interfaces
proxy.interfaces.each do |interface|
  puts "Object #{proxy.path} provides #{interface}"

# Print object subnodes
proxy.subnodes.each do |path|
  puts "-> #{proxy.path}/#{path}"
A specific interface of an object can be accessed by the [] operator. And the interface knows about the signature of its methods.
require 'dbus'

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance
# create proxy for the 'computer' device
proxy = bus.introspect "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer"

# Print object interfaces
proxy.interfaces.each do |interface|
  puts "Object #{proxy.path} provides #{interface}"
  proxy[interface].methods.each do |key,value|
    puts "  #{value.rets} #{key}( #{value.params} )"
Due to the dynamic nature of Ruby, Object methods are directly accessible in normal Ruby conventions. One just has to select the right interface first.
require 'dbus'

bus = DBus::SystemBus.instance
proxy = bus.introspect "org.freedesktop.Hal", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer"

iface = proxy["org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.CPUFreq"]
freq = iface.GetCPUFreqPerformance
gov = iface.GetCPUFreqGovernor
puts "Frequency #{freq}, Governor #{gov}"
Riding the D-Bus with Ruby is easy and fun !

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